

It is my honor to have have been mentored and coached by some of the most talented, sincere, genuine, caring, motivated and successful people in the world, both personally and professionally. That experience has impacted my own life in ways that I could have never imagined. As a result of these life changing relationships, I have become aware that there are thousands of people with a burning desire for the same type of mentoring and coaching relationship that I have received. People need someone that can be their sounding board, the voice of reason, the calming force when life gets challenging. Indeed, the lessons I have learned in life and profession have not gone to waste and remain with me as both ever present scars and trophy's. 

My experience is deep and my perspective is wide as I am continually exposed to and provided the opportunity to coach and mentor CEO's and Presidents, Surgeons, Doctors, Senior Leaders, Directors, and leaders at every level. Every person, regardless of their organizational role or family situation finds very quickly that there is no clear line between our professional and personal lives and that they continually cross into each other creating a grey area. Understanding and optimizing this, not battling it, is where the opportunity for a successful life begins. Success in life is far more than our professional and even our personal lives, it includes how we manage our finances, how we spend our time relaxing, where we focus our priorities, how we share our time and resources with others. Life is a very big thing, and it includes so many different aspects.

If you are looking for an unbiased and honest perspective on what the future could look like based upon your goals, options, decisions, choices and passions, please reach out to me. Together, we can develop a plan to not just achieve your professional and personal goals and objectives, but to exceed them. I will challenge you to think bigger, to understand what you are truly capable of and to tear down those self erected barriers that you have become comfortably numb to. We will define what success in your life means, what it looks like, and how we get you there. Lets do this.


Simply stated, your culture is defined by your level of Leader and Team Member engagement. A culture isn't something written on a wall surrounded by beautiful graphics; it is demonstrated within the interactions of your Leaders, Staff and Customers. Your true culture is far more obvious to your customers than you probably realize, and can't be hidden for very long. A culture is not defined by a moment in time, and it manifests itself in every interaction and activity that takes place within your organization. If you are looking to transform your culture from one where every department operates in a silo and is protected by a self-constructed fortified wall to one, where cross departmental collaboration and problem solving doesn't require an act of congress and five years to achieve, then let Jay Hodge & Associates help develop a plan. We will develop this culture using the Dynamic Elemental Engagement system, and establish a culture seldom experienced by most companies. 

Remember, success starts with demonstrated, effective, engaged and committed Leadership. "Leadership by example" isn't just a catchy phrase; it is reality and the key to cultural transformation, the red hot coals that keep the engagement fire burning. The journey to a culture of excellence isn't easy. In fact, quite the opposite; it is difficult and challenging. It also isn't fast. If it took years to dig the cultural "hole in the ground" you are in, then it will certainly take some time to fill it back in and build something both sustainable and exceptional upon it. You culture is woven through every person and process within your organization and will define what tomorrow, next month, and next year looks like. Using the Dynamic Elemental Engagement system, we can help you transform your culture into one that drives engagement, reflecting to the world who you are, what you believe, and where you are going.


If you are looking to create a foundation for continued growth and development, starting with Strategy Deployment is essential. Companies can get so tied up in the chaos of day-to-day operations that they spend the majority of their time simply surviving. Without a method to establish long and short-term objectives, it is difficult to understand how every action impacts overall progress. 

Creating a clearly defined strategy will connect today’s decisions to your 1 year, 5 year, and 10 year objectives. Strategy deployment provides direction, which enables you to create tactical, action-driven plans. Clearly defining your Vision, Mission, and Values is a crucial part of Strategy Deployment. As a company, your leadership team should define WHO you are, WHERE you are going, and HOW you are going to get there. We can help you make that happen, and the first step is Strategy Deployment.  


Every company has an existing Operational Management System; they just may not have a formal name for it. Toyota has the Toyota Production System, Caterpillar has the Caterpillar Production System, and many other companies have documented theirs as well. You also have one; it just may be broken or ineffective. 

Any effective OMS must have a visual management system in place to establish and track the metrics that are critical to the success of the company. Creating a standardized process that establishes specific expectations and clearly defined accountability is critical. This is what will help you move from where you are today to where you plan to go. If you spend an excessive amount of time spinning your wheels and discussing recurring problems, we can help you develop an effective Operational Management System.

Every activity taking place in an organization is a process, whether manufacturing products, caring for patients, shipping materials, or handling invoices. Those processes are comprised of thousands of sub-processes that either add value or consume value. Clearly understanding these processes at a micro level makes it possible to reduce or eliminate the actions that consume value, and to recognize opportunities to increase value.

Organizations have limited people, equipment, space capital, and time; promoting flow enables them to utilize those resources in the most efficient and effective manner, which maximizes the value. Through problem solving and value stream mapping, we can develop internal expertise within your teams to provide long-term Process Improvement. 

A great company invests in its people. Talented employees are promoted based on their skills and past performance. Yet the ability to effectively manage and lead is often overlooked as teams grow internally. The result: opportunities for Leadership Development are missed.

Regardless of level, whether President or Supervisor, Leadership is the backbone of any organization. You are developing tomorrow’s leaders today. We can help you create the foundation for sustainable success through Leadership Development.

Problems are a part of business. How a company addresses those problems is what differentiates them from their competition. 

Using the tools listed on the LEAN TOOLS page, we can facilitate events to provide resolution for your specific needs. It is important to use these events to develop facilitation skills, creating your own in-house experts. Let us help you stand out from your competitors through Kaizen & Rapid Improvement Workshops.

In any business, the way your customers or patients see you is instrumental to success. Whether we like it or not, their perspective is in fact their reality. A customer's experience is not merely a result of the services or product you provide; it is derived from the hundreds of tiny interactions, observations, and impressions you make during their entire experience. From the first impression of your facility to the way your Teams interact with each other and the customers, it means something. The layout and flow of your processes, the atmosphere, the attention to detail, and all the way down to the cleanliness of your bathroom and parking lot, it all matters. If you don't think customers are paying attention to the things that you may become blind to living inside the operational forest, you are fooling yourself and limiting your ability to excel. 

We provide the ability to understand your customer's experience from an unbiased perspective and a set of fresh eyes. We are trained to look past the surface level and see the micro-level details that compromise the aggregate customer experience. From a simple observation activity to an in depth dive into your quality, products, services, and care processes, we can provide you with a realistic vantage point of what actually makes up the your customer and patient experiences. We provide formal reports that outline what we observed and experienced, and then provide guidance for potential improvement. Remember, if you aren't aware that something is broken, you can't fix it. If you are not afraid of looking into the operational mirror and are willing to embrace the opportunities, let us help you see your organization, operation, and processes from the perspective of those you serve, the customer.

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